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Getting blindfolded and blown by a random dude his girlfriend knew didn’t exactly sound like an ideal Sunday for Dean, until it actually happened. ***** Where creative masturbation meets opportunity meets pining and smut Language: English Words: 22,186 Chapters: 12/12 Comments: 45 Kudos: 298 Bookmarks: 47 Hits: 4792 “Okay, man, just, uh.let me know if you need anything.” “No! I mean, no it’s fine, I just need to uh, wait until it goes.down.” Cas closed his eyes. “Do you need me to-” Sam’s voice was sympathetic on the phone.

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It’s stuck.”Ĭas’s face was flushed with shame and exertion.

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“As in, I can’t get it out or remove it from the current location it is in. there's probably more tags but it's been awhile and I kinda forget how to do this.Castiel/Dean Winchester in the Men of Letters Bunker.

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